Nic Groombridge is Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Media Arts, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham. In this post he looks at the relationship between Litter, Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Aberdeen City Council is reminding residents that it is an offence to drop litter as latest figures show a rise in the number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued for littering.
Lord Marlesford has introduced the Private Member’s Bill to change the law so that councils can issue fines to the owner of the car if they fail to say who was responsible.
“I believe that your campaigning has helped to create a regime, in which littering culprits are now less rather than more likely to be apprehended and punished” E-mail from Rupert Lipton 15th June 2012 Let me say at the outset that I personally have had a lifelong loathing of people who drop litter and the [...]
London car owners to pay for passengers’ littering
Car owners in London will face fines of up to £100 if someone drops litter from their vehicles, under a law change.
Ten people have been ordered to pay almost £7,000 worth of littering fines after they were caught dropping litter in Nottingham
London Local Authorities Act given Royal assent
The Act includes the provision that car owners will be held responsible for litter dropped from their vehicles.
Another council takes on private company to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for littering
Another council takes on private company, XFOR, to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for littering
Today’s Daily Telegraph reports the progress into law of the London Local Authorities Bill 2011 which includes the provision that car owners will be held responsible for litter dropped from their vehicles. It decriminalises the offence making it a civil matter where the burden of proof is on the “balance of probabilities“. Enforcement will be [...]
Mansfield offer young people litter duty in lieu of a fine
In contrast to the perceived wisdom Mansfield District Council’s Community Wardens are issuing Fixed Penalty Notices to 12 – 17 year olds seen dropping litter.