Highways Agency inspections – Concerns about M40 and M25 contracts (2)
Please refer to my previous post on this subject. I received a reply to my e-mail of 4th December from the Highways Agency and can add the following further observations. DBFO (AREA)30- M40 I had said “The quarterly audit reports you sent me each covered a specific area namely “Structures”, “Health and Safety” and “Quality Management”. Could [...]
Highways Agency inspections – Concerns about M40 and M25 contracts
Following the receipt of infomation from the Highways Agency this post raises a number of concerns about the efficacy of their inspection processes
The key question “.. how the Agency will be able to monitor whether or not the service, in regard to the cleaning of non-paved areas, is being delivered to specification?” remains unanswered
Highways Agency contracts – Links
Highways Agency contracts – Links
Highways Agency Asset Support Contract – response to Agency
Thank you for your e-mail of 29th May which correctly pointed out a misquotation in my e-mail of 4th May to Mike Penning.
Highways Agency Asset Support Contract – reply from the Agency
Thank you for your email of 4 May to Mike Penning about the Highways Agency’s Asset Support Contract.
Highways Agency Asset Support Contract – email to Mike Penning 4th May 2012
The combination of a specification which is both inadequate and virtually impossible to monitor in my opinion means that the new contract is inconsistent with the duty of the Secretary of State to ensure that the motorways in England are, so far as is practicable, kept clear of litter.
Highways Agency’s Asset Support Contract – critique of Highways Agency response to e-mail to Mike Penning
The purpose of this post is to critique Freda Rashdi’s (FR’s) response to my e-mail to Mike Penning of 10th April in which I concluded that the new contract will put the Secretary of State for Transport, Justine Greening, in breach of her obligations under S 89 (1) of the Environmental Protection Act.
Highways Agency’s Asset Support Contract – response to email to Mike Penning
Freda Rashdi head of the Highways Agency’s team responsible for specifying their cleaning requirements replies to my e-mail to Mike Penning of 10th April 2012
Highways Agency’s Asset Support Contract – Further thoughts
The Highways Agency seem to be caught up in a tangle web of confusing documentation and management speak