From: Samantha [mailto:]
Sent: 15 March 2011 11:57
Cc: ; ;
Subject: Litter Abatement Orders
Importance: High
Dear Sirs,
Having just reviewed your online survey of litter on Motorways and Trunk roads I can not believe the statistics! They obviously were not from our area or the people surveyed were partially sighted.
I am complaining in the strongest tone possible about the state of the A14, in particular the stretch from Cambridge towards Newmarket and beyond. The verges on both sides are thick with litter both on the ground and caught in the undergrowth. This is dangerous to both the wildlife and to drivers using the road. On a number of occasions during windy weather rubbish has freely been blowing onto the carriageway.
I am astonished at the level of maintenance applied to this busy road. I understand that this is more than likely contracted out to another company, but I have never seen any litter collecting taking place, hence the terrible state of the roadside. It is depressing and quite frankly shaming that it has been allowed to get this bad. It is obvious more action needs to be taken against litter louts, maybe community service where if caught where they adorn hi-vis jackets and be made to clean up the highways!
This must be resolved with a great deal of urgency before the undergrowth is in full leaf later in the spring, so all the rubbish can be cleared and not hidden behind the foliage!
I am liaising with several concerned groups and also Bill Bryson, about the situation and will be contacting our local MP, and local news networks to highlight the plight of our roads. I understand that we can also instigate litter abatement orders if the situation is not resolved in a timely and satisfactory manner.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to explain why the A14 is in such a sorry state, as this has happened over a long period of time and can not be purely blamed on financial cutbacks.
Kind regards,
Samantha Munro