
EPA S91 warning notice  leads to a clean up of  long neglected roundabout

The roundabout in question is the one over J2 on the M40, the Beaconsfield turn off.   (See on Multimap).

The slip roads are the responsibility of the Highways Agency but the roundabout itself falls under the aegis of the  local authority.  It transpired that the council had mistakenly thought that the cleansing of the central part of the roundabout was the responsibility of the Highways Agency.

In April 2010 it was noticed to be heavily littered and a photo log was started.  By July it was clear that no effective cleaning was taking place.

An EPA S91  warning notice was therefore sent to South Bucks District Council on 22nd July 2010.   They took their time but eventually cleaned up the roundabout on 10th August.  The impact can be seen in the before and after photographs below.

M40 J2 slip road litter Beaconsfield

Before - 9th August

M40 J2 slip road litter Beaconsfield

After - 12th August

If you click on the following dates 12th April , 2nd June, 12th June and 24th June you will see that the area had been neglected for a very long time. By clicking here you can see shots of one location through from April to July.

South Bucks District Council had clearly been failing to carry out their obligation under the S89(1) of the Environmental Protection Act to ensure that their “highways and roads, so far as is practicable, are kept clear of litter and refuse“.

I  will be monitoring their ongoing performance and encouraging them to commit to a programme of regular litter picking.

Peter Silverman                    contact

Peter admiring the view June 2010


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