Litter and Clean Highways in the news
Litter in the News
Threat to fine Leeds bin bandits
£500 fine for dropped cigarette butt
Mike Weatherley MP (Hove, Conservative) asks about greater powers for local authorities to deal with litterers
Two men in the dock for littering
Daily Express – Britain drowning in a tide of litter (Aug 2011)
Telegraph - Why has Britain turned into a giant rubbish bin?
Successful Prosecution for littering
Motorist hit with £315 costs for throwing cig butt from car
Aiming for a litter free Old Trafford
Exeter’s £1million cigarette street clean-up bill after smokers
Clean Highways in the News
Mail on Sunday September 3rd 2011
David Adam in the Guardian June 21st 2010
Tom Sutcliffe in the Independent, June 22nd 2010
“The Week” magazine, 26th June 2010
ITV’s Tonight Programme, 9th Sept 2010
Readers’ Digest September 2010
Ruislip Gazette March 2011