EPA S91 Litter Abatement Orders

London Underground – Ruislip Manor – 2012 /13

On January 31, 2013, in EPA S91 Litter Abatement Orders, Transport for London, by PeterSilverman

The Magistrates decided that the land was not defaced at the time of the complaint and my complaint had not been reasonable.Consequently I was not awarded costs and was required to pay London Underground’s costs of £4,645.

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Litter Abatement Orders – stages

On October 23, 2012, in EPA S91 Litter Abatement Orders, by PeterSilverman

Litter Abatement Orders – stages

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Litter Abatement Order cases – Scorecard

On October 15, 2012, in EPA S91 Litter Abatement Orders, by PeterSilverman

I have reported on 11 Litter Abatement Order cases to date. Only one did not produce a positive outcome. This is briefly what happened in each case:

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Litter Abatement Orders – in a nutshell

On August 2, 2012, in EPA S91 Litter Abatement Orders, Legislation, by PeterSilverman

Litter Abatement Orders in a nutshell

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Litter Abatement Orders – taking action

On October 23, 2010, in EPA S91 Litter Abatement Orders, by PeterSilverman

This post explains how you can use Section 91 of the Environmental Protection Act if you are “aggrieved by the defacement by litter or refuse of a highway or road”.

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