The Contracting Out (Highway Functions) Order 2009
The Secretary of State for Transport makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 69, 70 and 77(1) of the Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994(1)
London Local Authorities Act given Royal assent
The Act includes the provision that car owners will be held responsible for litter dropped from their vehicles.
Litter Code of Practice -1991 edition
Original Litter Code of Practice from 1991
Litter from commercial vehicles
Firm fined after waste falls from its lorries. S 34 Environmental Protection Act
Definition of a highway
In common law a highway is “a way over which there exists a public right of passage, that is to say a right for all of Her Majesty’s subjects at all seasons of the year freely and at their will to pass and re-pass without let or hindrance”
Today’s Daily Telegraph reports the progress into law of the London Local Authorities Bill 2011 which includes the provision that car owners will be held responsible for litter dropped from their vehicles. It decriminalises the offence making it a civil matter where the burden of proof is on the “balance of probabilities“. Enforcement will be [...]
Litter Abatement Notices – EPA S92 – Wording
The wording of EPA S92
Litter Abatement Notices – EPA S92 – DEFRA’s model form of notice
Litter Abatement Notices DEFRA’s model form of notice
Litter Abatement Notices – EPA section 92 – DEFRA Guidance
Extract from DEFRA’s Guidance on Part 4 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 as amended by the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
Fixed Penalty Notices – Index of legislation
Fixed Penalty Notices – Index of legislation from DEFRA Guide