
How the Litter Code is misinterpreted (2) – Paragraph 11.4.7 London Underground – Ruislip Manor – 2012 /13

LB Hillingdon – Domestic waste bags ripped open by vermin

On January 24, 2013, in LB Hillingdon, Other street scene, by PeterSilverman

London Borough of Hillingdon asked to issue a code of practice to encourage residents to store food waste in dustbins prior to collection

The London Borough of Hillingdon operate a refuse collection system in which non recyclable waste, including food waste,  is placed in black plasic bags for collection by the dustmen.

The Council’s web site advises residents that they should:

  • Leave bags for collection in your front garden, drive or path, but not on the public pavement or grass verge.
  • Put out rubbish and recycling bags for collection no earlier than 17:30 on the evening before.
  • If your collection is via rear service road, please continue to leave it in the usual place.
  • Between collections, do not store bags anyway other than in the property where you live.

No reference is made to the containnment of the non recyclable waste bags in a dustbin.

The photograph shows an only too common site in which vermin have ripped open a bag to get at the food. As is happening here some of the waste is then blown into the street. 

I have written to the  Chief Executive suggesting that  the Borough amends its guidelines to include an instruction that the black bags containing food waste when stored outside should always be contained in a dustbin  - including when they are placed forward for collection  - to prevent then being ripped open by vermin.

Peter Silverman
27th Januarty 2013



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