From: Peter Silverman [mailto:]
Sent: 31 March 2010 18:33
To: ‘’
Subject: M40 J1 to J 4 – Cleaning
Thank you for your e-mail of 2nd March 2010.
You say that UK Highways identify the need to clear litter by “acting on notifications from the Highways Agency’s Traffic Officer Service…” , “ ..our Traffic Officer Service who will notify UK Highways of increasing volumes of litter” and “ We monitor performance exceptionally by following through notifications from our stakeholders”
Could you please provide me with:
1. Copies of these notifications, other records or logs of recoding that such notifications have been sent for the 6 months to 31st March 2010 in respect to the above sections of the M40.
2. Copies of the relevant sections any communications with UK Highways and any minutes or reports or other documents which refer to the state of cleanliness or otherwise of these section of the M40 covering the same time period.
Also, other than members of the public, who are regarded as stakeholders?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Peter Silverman