
Newsletter 25th October 2012

On October 25, 2012, in Newsletter, by PeterSilverman

Welcome to the first of my new style newsletters.

Litter Abatement Orders

I have prepared a scorecard showing the outcome of the  14 cases that I, or other Clean Highways  supporters, have been involved in. As you will see a positive outcome was achieved in all but one instance.

The biggest achievement is still my complaint against the Secretary of State for Transport over the southern section of the M40 in 2010 which resulted in a 6 fold increase in cleaning activity. I drove the full length of this scenic motorway last week and was pleased to note that an acceptable standard is being maintained at least on the main carriageway. The slip roads of course are another matter.  This contrasts with the poor condition of the M25 and M4, the other motorways I use on a regular basis.

The trial hearing for my case against London Underground Ltd over a small but locally prominent piece of embankment will be heard at Uxbridge Magistrates Court on Tuesday 6th November at 10.00 am. Do come along.

Highways Agency’s new maintenance contract

Regular readers will be aware of my concern over the provisions of the new “Asset Support” contract dealing with motorway verge cleansing. I have pointed out to the Agency that the specification is both inadequate and virtually impossible to monitor.  I subsequently wrote to them saying   ” If you think this analysis is flawed please explain how the Agency will be able to monitor whether or not the service,  in regard to the cleaning of non-paved areas, is being delivered to specification?” They have been unable to provide me with an answer.

I have therefore written to the new (as in new broom?) Permanent Secretary at the Department for Transport, Philip Rutnam, asking him to look into the matter.

Rubbish falling from waste transporter on M4

I have complained to the Environment Agency about a waste transport vehicle I saw spewing some of its load onto the M4 and thus giving “waste re-cycling” a whole new meaning.   One wonders how much of the rubbish that blights our motorways comes from such vehicles. The last time I reported a similar incident the vehicle owner was fined £6,500.


ZILCH stands for Zero Instances of Litter Can Happen.  Its founder, Quentin Brodie Cooper, is setting up a network of individuals to work together to eliminate litter.   I really enjoyed Quentin’s last internet conference. Why not join in the next one?

Many thanks for your continuing support.

Peter Silverman
25th October 2012


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