From: “” <>
Sent: Monday, 18 June 2012, 16:50
Subject: Litter
Our Ref: 1010717524/AR
Date: 18.06.2012
Dear Mr Miller
Thank you for your e-mail regarding litter within the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
Under their Environmental Protection Act (EPA) Duties any litter clearing or street cleansing is the responsibility of the relevant borough council:
I therefore suggest that you contact the Royal Borough of Greenwich regarding this issue of litter. In addition, parks are also the responsibility of the relevant boroughs and not Transport for London (TfL) as parks are beyond the remit of TfL.
Thank you again for contacting me. Should you have any future queries please do contact me. For more information regarding TfL’s services please visit
Yours sincerely
Annemarie Roche
Customer Service Advisor
Transport for London Customer Experience