From: Farmiloe David [mailto:]
Sent: 05 July 2011 11:58
Subject: FW: EPA Section 91 Warning Notice
Dear Mr Silverman
Thank you for your email of 30 June addressed to the Mayor that he has asked me to respond to.
I have established that the land in question is owned by London Underground Limited and licensed to JC Decaux for the erection of advertising hoardings. As part of that licensing framework Agreement JC Decaux are obliged to keep the site tidy and our Group Property and Facilities team have written to them today to remind them of their obligations, a copy of the email is attached for your information.
I trust that in the circumstances you will agree that your complaint to the Magistrates Court is no longer required. But please feel free to advise me if the promised remedial work and ongoing responsibilities are not met.
Yours sincerely.
David Farmiloe
TfL Legal
6th Floor, Windsor House 42-50 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0TL
Tel: (auto: 63071)
Fax: (auto: 64598)